Friday, June 19, 2009

Collide This!

The recent release of “Angels and Demons” features the Large Hadron Collider, an immense particle accelerator comprised of miles of behemothian tubing and buried beneath the increasingly neutral country of Switzerland. Affectionately dubbed, “God’s festering bowels” by its operators, the LHC is without equal in size and can endure high-energy particle collisions paralleled only by Rush Limbaugh’s “burrito day” underwear.

Scientists, ever diligent in their quest to cock-slap God directly in the face, hope to use the LHC to find the elusive Higgs boson particle. The Higgs boson can cure cancer and has been theorized to have the capacity to make AIDS its bitch—

--wait, after checking Wikipedia, it appears that the particle might, might explain where gravity comes from. Hang on—how much has this cost? Six billion?


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